Thursday, 15 May 2014

Christ in the Fall (1)

Genesis 3 is known as the chapter of the Fall. Eve was deceived, Adam was disobedient, and "by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin" (Rom 5.12). It is a chapter of calamity, of shame, suffering and separation. 

And yet, even in this chapter of rebellion and judgment, the Lord can easily be traced. He is seen here in a variety of ways:

1. As the Contrast
2. As the Caller
3. As the Conqueror
4. As the Covering 

Over the next couple of blog posts we will consider different views of Christ in Genesis 3. Notice first, He is:

The Contrast

Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden, surrounded with every blessing from God, with plenty of food to satisy their hunger, and with every evidence of God's goodness to them hanging from the branches of every tree. By way of contrast, the temptation of the Lord Jesus occured in the wilderness, during a time of severe hunger, while He was surrounded by wild beasts. 

"Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, He was afterwards an hungred" (Matt 4.1-2).  

However, Eve was decieved and Adam was disobedient. God's command was clear, but they did not rest upon it and obey it. Thus both failed! How different was the Lord Jesus! He rested in God's Word, saying after each of the tempter's darts was hurled at Him "It is written ...". He was perfectly attuned to God's Will, perfectly obedient to God's Word, and thus He was the victor in the trial. His victory in the trial was accomplished in such a way that ot could be an example for all believers to follow. 

"There was, of men, but One who never failed,
In every circumstance He faced, prevailed;
Our blessed, glorious Lord.
How was it then He won the day in trial?
How did He so defeat a raging devil?
By resting in God's Word"

What is my attitude to God's Word? Do I rest upon it's clear statements and promises? Do I obey it's commands? The safest place for the Christian is the place of obedience to God's Word. May we cultivate this character of obedience and submission, following the example of Christ. 

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